Christmas Card (a bit late)

While we actually got our Christmas/Holiday cards sent out on time, I have just gotten around to posting something about them. This year was the first year we sent out Holiday cards together. Instead of spending lots of money on ugly, generic cards, we decided to create our own. We laid it all out and printed it in 2 colors, red and green, on an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper. This way we could then fold it up and have a nice little card with a back, front, and interior.

Here is what it looked like before we folded it in quarters:

I did not get a chance to carve a block specifically for the card, so we settled on using a preexisting metal block. It was a ship with a large sail saying “Seasons Greetings.”

Doug and I set the type in a mixture of fonts. For the front, we used a 48 point Italic font that we got for free with all the other stuff. For the inside, we used 18 point Caslon. The “and” on the inside is a single block. We printed the card in 2 colors, green and red.

Here are some pictures of what the card looked like when all folded and finished:

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