Letterpress Notepads

Hello all! I want to share with you another one of my letterpress adventures I have had over the last few weeks. I found a box of scrap cover stock left over from someone’s die-cutting project. These pieces were a rather odd size and shape, so I wasn’t sure what to do with them, but I didn’t want them to go to waste. Eventually, I decided they would be PERFECT as the covers of little notepads! They just needed to be trimmed down a bit.

I am Woman, Hear me ROAR!

The first idea I came up with was a notepad for women. I am doing a craft show in May that is also a fundraiser for women’s shelters in the Portland area, and I wanted to print something that I could donate to some of the women we are trying to help.

The quote on the cover is from the song, “I am Woman” by Helen Reddy. For me, the phrase is really the embodiment of an empowered and feminine woman.

Woman notepad lockup and final print

As you can see in the picture above, the paper was a rather strange shape, but once I cut it down, it worked perfectly.

Metallic Gold ink

I wanted the text to really pop, so I printed it in a metallic gold ink. Although it wasn’t as bright as I hoped it would be, it turned out ok.

Once printed, I cut up some 20lb. blank white paper, stapled everything together, folded, and trimmed the edges.

I am Woman, Hear me Roar!

I totally forgot to take pictures of the process, but hopefully you get the idea. The final dimensions of the notepads are 3.5″ w x 5.25″ h. Each pad has 20 blank sheets inside.

Pi, Pie Notepads

March 14th was Pi day, so in honor of that auspicious holiday, I created my second notepad design. A delicious homemade pie floating atop the Greek symbol Pi.

Pi Pie Notepad

For this notepad I decided to go with a darker, more visible, color ink. So I went with a deep burgundy color. Or, at least that’s how it looks when printed on the dark gray paper. In reality, the ink is a ghastly bright pink, fuchsia color. Thank goodness to appears darker when printed. I wanted it to be uni-sex, and fuchsia isn’t really any guy’s favorite color.

I printed and assembled these notepads just as I did the first ones!

Pi Notepad open & closed

I am having so much fun with these little notepads, I can’t wait to see what design I come up with next!

Woman and Pi Notepads

I have only printed two different designs so far, but I still have about a thousand pieces of this paper left over, so I plan to make many more designs (and suggestions are welcome if there is something you’re dying to have!).

If you would like purchase either of these notepads, they are up on Etsy for $7 a piece.

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