

My name is Alexia Rostow. I am a printmaker working in Portland, Oregon. I work with a variety of media including woodcut, wood engraving and letterpress. I was taught the techniques of wood engraving from Rosemary Feit Covey, who works out of the fabulous Torpedo Factory in Alexandria, VA.

Trained as an Art Historian as well as a printmaker, my work is influenced by many styles and periods of art. I am most interested in exploring the work of the earliest European prints and print-makers (c. 1500). The look and feel of these early prints continue to appeal to viewers even after five hundred years. My work enables me to express my fascination with these (and many other) distinguished pieces as well as reinterpret their styles for a modern audience.



2010 – M.A., Art History, University of Texas at Austin
Master’s Thesis: Narration and Performance in the Schatzbehalter (Supervisor: Professor Jeffrey Chipps Smith, University of Texas at Austin)

2007 – B.A., Emory University, Atlanta, GA
Major: Art History, Minor: French Studies
High Honors
Honors Thesis: The Nuremberg Chronicle as Salvation History: The Meditative Function of the Images within the Nuremberg Chronicle (Supervisors: Professors Walter S. Melion and Elizabeth C. Pastan, Emory University)

2003 – Torpedo Factory Art Center Internship, Old Town Alexandria, VA. With printing artist Rosemary Feit Covey.

2002 – Torpedo Factory Art Center Internship, Old Town Alexandria, VA. With painter Betty Grisham.

